Brighter ART

Reflections on Arabia

mixed-media on canvas
format 150 x 120 cm, 2024
signed on the back

The Story behind


Arabian Reflection

is a hybrid work of two series - “under construction” and “shoetime”.

Why do you ask?

Well, while the wealth of Arabia can be seen through intelligent investments in building culture, another, perhaps even overarching picture emerges...a life of wealth and luxury

Creation, painting process and explanation of the images:

The ground as well as the beginning of painting is formed by the occurrence and extraction of black gold.

Arranged twice, in the golden ratio, the color gradient goes from crude oil-colored black to normal, to real gold...

The rusted ropes contained in the picture are a typical stylistic device of the “under construction” series and provide support, division and visual structures, ... At the same time they provide a reference to the necessary technical requirements, both for such an oil production process and to the monumental buildings for example in Dubai.

This arrangement, a kind of composition, forms the pictorial structure for the success and wealth of the region and can be understood as a strategic development, a kind of approach and metaphor for this emerging process.

The wealth achieved and, inevitably, the luxury that resulted from it, finally find expression in the almost decadent painting process, with exuberant use of color and, especially in painting, with a pair of Louboutin high heels.

This is again arranged in the golden ratio and significantly expressed in the color of love and passion.

Munich, May 25th, 2024

Michael Griesbeck

Making of Reflections on Arabia

about the series "Under Construction"


mixed-media on canvas
format 150 x 120 cm, 2024
signed on the back

The Story behind


"SOHO" – the logo, the background, and the interpretation of a complex 30.000 m² project development in Munich/Obersendling in the format 150 x 120 cm, from the series "under construction"

The story behind the image and video: Two family-run project developers, Hammer AG and the Optima Group (represented as circle segments), unite and demonstrate how their efforts give rise to SOHO, see @ at Koppstraße.

A joint venture, as a new approach, for the realization of a highly innovative building – interpreted and implemented through the use of new painting techniques such as graffiti/spray and stencil technique, and for the first time, through the use of resin.

The film about its creation takes place on the 3rd floor on site and depicts a kind of surreal world.

The focus is on industrial loft culture, with simultaneous projections of Manhattan, Subway, Brooklyn Bridge, and Skyline, creating a link to the naming.

Dimly light, surreal, with ground fog and accompanied by funky jazz music, it creates a fantastic world full of expressionist creativity, once again implemented by mbm-media production.

The Making of the SOHO – April 2024

about the series "Under Construction"



The Battle of Materials


Noodles to Go Nr. 9 - stehende Rigatoni in Lack

Noodles to Go Nr. 7 - Barilla rote Linse