Images of realized bindings….. a further development of the “Rope” series
Shibari, intended to serve as an intriguing metaphor to reflect our modern society and to address the relinquishment of responsibility. Artfully knotted ropes not only bring bodies into aesthetic positions, but also explore the complex relationships between power, control and devotion. In a world where responsibility is often delegated or delegated to others, Shibari encourages confrontation with the consequences of our decisions and taking responsibility for our actions - delegate them. It invites us to rethink our connections, both to other people and to our society, it makes us realize that freedom does not necessarily come through shedding responsibility, but rather comes through conscious choice and authentic surrender. Shibari can serve as a powerful allegory, inviting us to explore the depths of our responsibility and to shape our relationships.
Under the title: "The increase in calm", the artist Michael Griesbeck creates images that consist of real Shibari knots and also address a profound allusion to responsibility as well as powerlessness in our society. In his works, he explores the search for calm through passivity, the intimate connection through devotion or the relinquishment of power, and the erotic event of bondage. Inspired by Herberts Zang's whitewashed knots, Griesbeck creates works of art that capture the essence of these themes and visualize them in an impressive way.